How to Potty Train a Girl: 3 Simple Tips for Success
Tips & Articles
How to Potty Train a Girl: 3 Simple Tips for Success

Luckily, potty training girls can often be done sooner than potty training boys because they aren’t as easily distracted. That being said, the process can still get frustrating. But if you’re ready to step back and let her do it all on her own, read on for some tips on how to potty train your princess once and for all.

The Key to Potty Training Girls
1. Treat Her to A Shopping Spree
Many little ladies go through a period where they love frilly, sparkly, and very girly clothing—or they like to pick out their own clothes, full of strange and funny combinations. Whatever their penchant, make it work in your favor by taking them shopping! Tell your daughter that when she’s ready to say goodbye to her diapers, she can pick out fun underwear of her own. Make a big deal out of the shopping spree and let her choose whichever undies appeal to her girly or whimsical taste. She’ll be eager to trade in her diapers for the new self-chosen undergarments, which will serve as motivation to finally let go of the pull-ups.
2. Fun Toilet Games She Won’t Stop Playing
While potty training boys has a built-in fun factor (target practice in the bowl!), don’t forget to infuse fun into potty training girls. Let your daughter decorate her potty with stickers, make sure she has her favorite picture books handy while she’s sitting on her throne—in fact, if, like many girls, she’s into princesses, you could let the potty actually be her throne and have her wear a crown every time she sits on it. Get creative! You could even entertain her with toilet paper crafts—check out some fun ideas we’ve put together.

3. Teach Her The Importance of Wiping
A vital thing you will have to teach your daughter is how to wipe from front to back (in order to avoid infections). This is one lesson you might need to repeat frequently—even when she is comfortable using the bathroom by herself. Plus, use soft toilet paper like Charmin Ultra Soft to help keep the wiping process a gentle experience. Occasionally check up to make sure she is doing it correctly. If you do notice some redness, you may want to switch to the soothing Charmin Sensitive toilet paper.