Potty Training Boys: 3 Tips to Help Your Little Boy Reach the Finish Line
Tips & Articles
Potty Training Boys: 3 Tips to Help Your Little Boy Reach the Finish Line

If you’re in the midst of potty training, you’ve probably already heard tons of potty training tips. But, if you’re ready to say buh-bye to those diapers for good, let’s discuss a few gender-specific pointers.Each gender is very distinct, right? So it’s important to differentiate potty training boys from potty training girls. Perhaps it’s that very distinction that will help take your son to the next level – going to the potty all on his own!

How to Potty Train a Boy
1. Get The Right Equipment.
Sure, ideally your boy will learn how to pee standing up, but that probably will not happen immediately. Don’t worry, he’ll get there. To begin, let him start by sitting down on a comfy potty seat. (You can start with a freestanding potty and then move onto the toilet booster seat.) But make sure you get a potty without a urine guard. Though it can protect against splashes, it’s not great for boys, as it can hurt their private parts. Also, use durable, quality toilet paper like Charmin Ultra Strong to keep his little hands clean when he’s learning to wipe. And you may want to keep flushable wipes, such as Charmin Freshmates on hand in case he needs a little extra help during the learning process.

2. Make It a Game.
Yay! Your big boy is now peeing standing up. BUT, he’s also not hitting his mark—leaving you to constantly wipe up pee from the floor, the wall, the shower curtain. Yeah, potty training boys can get messy. The solution? Target practice! Just throw some bright colored cereal into the toilet bowl and let the fun begin.

3. Step Back.
Some of the best potty training techniques may lead you to the finish line, but how do you actually cross it—so that your son feels comfortable using the bathroom all by himself? Well, here’s where it’s time to simply hold yourself back. Start coming in less and less, perhaps just as a check-up to make sure he’s doing a good job (getting the pee in the toilet or wiping well after pooping) . Eventually, just tell him to call you if he needs help and leave it to him. Of course, if accidents happen regularly, you may need to revisit a few lessons, but sooner or later, he’ll be doing it all on his own!